Next week Matt & I will be sitting down to architect the new version of SEOmoz's website. We'll be adding a lot of functionality streamlining the user experience (particularly for those who land on the home page) and adding some new sections to the site. One of our major focuses is on improving the experience of our most loyal readers - the passionate community of between 500-1000 folks who contribute the most to SEOmoz.
Thus I'm asking you (all) to contribute your ideas about what you'd like to see in the next iteration of the site. Some ideas we're already discussing include:
- Voting/Rating blog posts and blog comments and featuring the most highly rated commenters in a special section (and possibly having those users with the highest ratings have their websites featured below their usernames in the comments)
- Allowing for user-generated blog posts (from users) to have their own section of the site (almost like a weird hybrid of Reddit a forum and a blog)
- Streamlining the blog tracking system to allow you to follow comments through email individually on blog posts
- Creating more multimedia content - specifically video but maybe some comics too...
- Allowing for RSS feeds for particular bloggers so you can subscribe only to particular combinations (or only individual) SEOmoz writers
- Changing out some of our long-time guest bloggers for some new blood - this is something that I'm constantly asked about via email so I'd love your input
Anything else you'd like to see? How do you feel about the above?
BTW - Yes I'm finally back in Seattle and almost caught up with my email (after 9.5 hours of pure Thunderbird madness). Decompress post from my travels coming tomorrow.