Posted by randfish
I believe that we're at the very nascent beginnings of web marketing in the political sphere and as studies like this one from the AP suggest more and more of the millions of dollars of campaign funding will go towards SEO PPC & web content strategies. From the piece:
35 percent in this country say they look to the Internet for political news _ a number that rises to 43 percent among likely voters. Online political browsers are most likely to go to news sites such as those operated by the newspapers networks and newsmagazine _ with almost nine in 10 saying they check such sites. More than one-third go to candidates' sites and almost half go to political sites.
Looking at a few political searches (that are almost certainly heavily trafficked) it's easy to see where this trend might be headed.
If you look at nearly any contested race in the US you'll see AdWords campaigns blogs news articles and some results that could be "reputation management." SEOmoz has been approached about a national campaign (which we turned down) but I wonder - have you seen more activity in the SEO sphere from the world of politics? Would you be willing to take on a campaign in that arena? Do you think there's already a large amount of work being done in this space?
Perhaps most important of all are voters likely to use search engines for information about elections?
p.s. Let's keep the discussion purely on the SEO/industry implications and not on the political topics themselves. Thanks!
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