Monday, October 02, 2006

October's Shadows


Of all the season changes in Seattle Autumn is the one I can feel the most. The long shadows shorter days and 10 degree temperature drop instill a sense of urgency and iminent loss. No doubt about it; the allegory of the seasons hits hard in October.

Luckily I can stall those feelings by ramping up my efforts to accomplish more take control of the days and plan for a brighter future. SEOmoz's upcoming re-design has me excited as do some new clients (and potential projects). Of course when I read this piece on happiness I had to chuckle. This was the first weekend that I've put in close to 20 hours of work in a long time - now I feel a bit guilty about it. I'll have to try to cut back a smidge :)

On to news from the wide world of web:

  • As Andy reported Jill has an upcoming HighRankings seminar in Dallas (you can use his code or use "SEOMOZ" and get the 25% discount. Eric's new newsletter (The Ward Report) looks pretty damn cool too. The first taste is free but luckily the whole year's only $299.
  • Geeks are Sexy (a new blog for me) has a high quality list of content and writing suggestions for bloggers that's worth a gander.
  • If you've ever wondered what SEOs mean when they say "become an authority in your niche" look no further than this list of 99 sites from PC Magazine. My personal preferences don't always match up but if you're getting a mention in PC Magazine you know you're doing something right (unless you're Valleywag in which case it's just your sensationalism that's making the splash)
  • Small SEO & webdev shops (and individuals) would do well to heed the advice given by Mark Lewis of Painter Creativity in his post - Top 10 Lies Told to Naive Artists & Designers. I wish I could say I've never been party to any of these but in fact the opposite is true. It's so eerily close to the mark I feel like I could have written this piece.

Now let's see about overcoming some of that fall gloom and getting a full 7 hours. Thank goodness for MNF to look forward to...

  posted by Smile Community @ 2:07 AM


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