Posted by JaneCopland
When I flew back from the NCAA championships this past spring I thought to myself "well that's the last time I'll fly on an aeroplane for a good long time." I was facing imminent graduation (read: unemployment) and I expected to be expelled into the world a lowly M.A-less English major browsing job websites for Junior Copywriter positions until the next coming of Christ. The gig was up. A cardboard box underneath I-5 had my name Sharpied on its side.
I did not bargain on entering an industry where travel is as common as it is in SEO. During my first week at SEOmoz Rand informed me that I could well be sent to London for training with Rebecca in November. However my immigration status currently does not allow me to travel: I am perfectly entitled to live in the U.S. (I have a work permit and am married to an American) but if I leave the country right now I cannot return. Anyhow we discovered that PubCon Las Vegas is scheduled around the same time as the proposed England trip. This event will provide me with a great deal of search education presented in a conference format as opposed to one-on-one training.
Neither Jeff nor I have ever been to an SEO conference... in fact I don't believe that either of us has been to any conference of any sort ever. The university teaser courses I took at fourteen probably don't count. PubCon Vegas' website promises an array of sessions many with useful content for a web-dev guru like Jeff and many more for an SEO consultant like me. We will also be responsible for creating an SEOmoz report on the conference the likes of which you've seen before in the form of Rebecca's SES San Jose article.
I'm looking forward to learning more about this industry and experiencing the circus-façade-in-the-desert that is Las Vegas. See you all in a few weeks' time!
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