Friday, March 31, 2006

Are Popups Good For Marketing? Annoying To Some, Interesting To Others!


The big question. Do people actually pay attention to pop ups? With so many softwares out there that deal with blocking pop ups you'd think the answer would clear. Back a few years ago pop ads were all the craze, but as more and more sites starting using them they became more like spam then anything else. I mean how many sites have you visited where they will pop up an add every second page or so. This is especially annoying when you are searching for something. So yes they can get on a persons nerves.

On the other hand when a pop up comes up that actually interests a person in what your company or site is offering then it can actually be beneficial to for the person viewing it. Though the problem is with every good pop up ad is there are usually 10 other ones coming up that either have fake offers on them or don't even interest the visitor at all. This is where the good pop ups fall through the cracks. With so many spam pop ups we tend to jump to the conclusion that all pop ups are garbage and we just ignore them, even the good ones. There are so many people out there now that have a popup blocker on their system, you ad may never get seen.

Another point is when you purchase traffic from a site/company that offers so many targeted visitors for so much money, most of them are using pop ups to send you traffic. Even though this raises the level of unique visitors you are getting, the visitors aren't truly wanting to or interested in what you are offering. Yes they may even click around your site a bit, but chances are they are leaving after a few pages.

So when it comes right down to it the benefits of a pop up campaign probably don't and won't give you the results you want. I am not saying that it absolutely will not but, in all likely hood your ad will get blocked, closed off and even yelled at a bit:). So put your advertising budget in a better direction and save us all some trouble of having to click off your add.

  posted by Smile Community @ 6:26 PM 0 comments

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Growing Your Site With Content!


I think alot of people still miss out why you have a website. Depending on what your site is about usually depends on how you tackle the subject of your site. If you are reading this article you are probably wanting to or already have aimed your site in the direction of commerce. Which simply means that you want to create and generate a revenue off it, probably through advertising. What you may be missing is even though you want a revenue site, you may not know how to achieve it so that visitors keep coming back. Well isn't that the most important part of a commerce creating website. If visitors don't come back then your revenue is probably sitting at $0.59 if you are lucky. For others it is $0.00.

So what keeps people coming back to your site day after day. Alot of companies and sites forget that it is your content. After the initial click to visit your website and a front page inspection, it is truly your content that I am after. Trust me on this one. If the same information I viewed on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday is still there on Thursday, then your site is probably of no interest to me. Depending on how good your content is and how often you update it will determine your success in having people return to your website. Just like if you are going to the movies. If Monday you go to see Star Wars, then Tuesday you see Star Wars and Wednesday you see Star Wars, then you will be pretty bored if you go back Thursday to see Star Wars(unless you are a huge fan). The truth is you probably won't be going back to the theatre because you have already seen the movie or in this case the content three times already.

So the trick to it is adding new content to your website each and every day. If every time I come to your website there is something for me to read or explore then I will keep coming back. There are so many free sites out there for content especially ones that allow you to add articles to your website free of charge, that you can offer many great resources via articles for your visitors. If you view my short bio in this article(usually at the bottom) you can visit our site for free content that you can add to your site as well.

Remember if the content is good then people will come back. If the content is updated everyday and is a resource to people then they will tell their friends. This will send additional visitors to your website which will lead to an increase in participation on your site but also an increase of revenue.

  posted by Smile Community @ 6:52 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Will You Site be a BIG SUCCESS. 7 Reasons Why it Might Not!


With so many new websites going up, it is hard sometimes to tell if your
site will be a BIG SUCCESS or an unexpected flop? If you are unsure of
whether or not your site will fly with visitors or crash and burn, this
article is definitely for you. Now we all know the importance of great
service, but if your website doesn't communicate this, then you could be
headed for failure.

7 Reasons Why Your Website May Be a BIG FLOP!

1. Long Load Times.

If your websites takes more then 30 seconds to load, especially on DSL/Cable
then visitors will leave your website, it is as simple as that. You must
remember that people want information and they want it yesterday (I know, I
know). Since it is so easy to get information from many other sites online,
you must make sure that they can get it from your site first and that they
can get it quickly. This will keep them coming back to your website
everyday, since it is so easy to get what they want.

2. Bad Navigation.

Your Navigation should be located in a easy to access area that the visitor
can easily get to as soon as they reach your site. Areas include the top of
the page, just below the header and to the left of the page. Navigation that
is hard to find will leave a visitor feeling frustrated every time they come
to the site. Even though they may get use to its unusual placement, they may
not come back to get use to it!

3. Un-finished Pages.

There is nothing worse then coming to a website that has just had a new
design done on it(even if it looks great) and finding out that even though
the links are active, there is nothing on those sub pages. Of course a nice
"coming soon" text can work to let them know the page is coming soon, it
does serve us both best if the page and its content are actually there. So
make sure all the pages are ready to go before you upload the new site.

4. Bad Color Combination.

All I have to say about this is live green, blue, brown and red may work in
some way on a site design but I can't imagine it looking good. Make sure to
use colors that jive well with each other, that compliment each other and
that doesn't hurt or strain the eyes. One thing to make sure is that if you
use a light color on the background then make sure to use a dark text and
vice-versa. This will make it easier on all of us to read what is on your

5. No Contact Information.

We must all be in touch in one way or another. Well sort of! You Must have
contact information on your site, it doesn't have to be on the front page,
but it should be at least on its own page. This will give visitors a way to
get in touch with you if they need to ask you a question about your site or

6. Old Dates/Updated Often.

Make sure you update your site often. People come to your site for updated
information, if what was on your site last week, is still there today, they
probably won't be coming back. Make sure old dates are taking off as well as
new dates are entered correctly. This is extremely important if your site
has to do with events going on in the community.

7. Script Errors.

Finally, make sure you test every part of your website, especially when it
comes to scripts. Also have it set up so that if a script error happens you
catch it before too many of your visitors do. This can be done by either
checking the site each day(or a few times a day) or by having an automated
email sent to you when someone experiences a error on the site.

I hope these tips help you build a Successful Website!

  posted by Smile Community @ 6:34 PM 0 comments

Friday, March 10, 2006

Using Free Content To Keep Visitors Interested!


If you don't want people to loose interest in your website quickly then you
will have to spend some time focusing on your content. Unless you offer a
service(such as web design or webhosting ect...) your audience will demand
that there be new content updated every day for them or they will stop
returning to your website. The truth is that to offer your visitors an
abundance of great material is actually very easy and best yet it is free.
Your site will double in value and usability when you start updating your
content each day. Trust me when I say "your visitors will thank you for it".

By searching online you can easily find a wide range of websites that offer
free information you can include on your website. The best yet is that the
topics range from A-Z, so you never have to worry about not being able to
find content for your website. Another great resource that you can find out
there are free ecourses as well as free ebooks. The great thing is that you
can use these free ecourses/ebooks(make sure to email each site to gain
permission just to be safe) as an incentive to visitors to use your website.
This will not only increase your websites content base but will give a real
value to your website as it will become a known source of useful

As you add free content to your website keep in mind who will view it and
who will use it. Make sure to cover a broad range of subjects but also
direct the content according to what your website is about. Try to make your
content as meaningful as you can and you will have visitors coming back each
day to view what is new on your website. Best yet they will start to tell
their friends and their friends will tell their friends ect.... Before you
know it, by adding free content sections to your site you will have more and
more people visiting your website. It is simple as that. We have all done it
before where we've found a useful website and emailed the link to our
friend. Why did we email the link you might ask? We've emailed the link
because we found the content on the website to be useful/worth while. You
can have people doing the same with your website.

Just remember to watch the content you put on your site and to make sure it
is of use to your visitors. Your content will truly determined if your
visitors are being entertained/interested and if they will come back for

  posted by Smile Community @ 5:57 PM 0 comments

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Why Is Optimizing Your Site For Speed Is Important?


If there is one thing we have all suffered through is waiting for a site to
download online. It seems like it is the worse thing in the world and will
never end. We actually either click off of the site or after the initial
download of the frontpage completes, we then click off of the site because
the subpages take too long to load. We have all been here and this article
is to help make sure your visitors don't go through it as well.

The reason why a websites speed of download is important is actually very
simple and we have broken it down into two parts:

-The first part is that people want to get to where they are going quickly.
This is pretty straight forward and now a days no one seems to have the time
to wait for a site to download(no matter how important it is).

-The second part is to deliver the content to the user as quick as possible
so that we can keep them interested and entertained. The quicker they can
get to the information the more they will click around your site and the
more they will interact with your website. This is extremely important if
your website has it's own estore, as the more products your visitors are
able to view then the more time they spend in your store and the better the
chance you have of them purchasing something off of you. Pretty simple and
straight forward.

Now you may be wondering how you can take your current design or your
re-design and improve the performance of your website so it doesn't take
forever for it to download. The truth is that it isn't too complex and
actually anyone can follow these steps. Here are some tips on how to get
your website to load faster and why these factors may cause long load times:

1. Tip one is to use regular html text instead of graphic text(such as
exporting text from a program like fireworks or photoshop). The reason for
this is that html text carries alot smaller kbs size when added to website
design. So anywhere that you use regular text instead of "graphical text"
will really help decrease your page size making the download time quicker
for each user.

2. Tip two is to limit other graphics uses on your website where you can.
Some things such as using a graphic for your logo can not be avoided but try
to make an effort to limit the amount of graphics on each page. The more
graphics you use the higher your page size will be and the more time it
takes to download it. Really graphic intensive websites can have users
waiting a while for everything to download. Some occasions where it might be
ok to use graphics is if they will also be used on subpages. These graphics
will already be cached on your visitors computers and will not have to be
downloaded again when a person visits your subpages.

3. Tip three is to limit the use of flash. It can make your page take even
longer to load as the kbs size of each file are usually quite larger then
any graphics on your website. This can really increase download times and in
alot of cases is not necessary.

4. The final tip is to try not to nest tables inside of each other. Try to
break down your design and use multiple tables. This way each table will
load separately giving your visitors something to view while the rest of
your site loads. If you load everything into one table then they will have
to wait for the whole main table to load.

Remember the key is to get your users to the information as fast as
possible. If you follow this advice and apply these rules to your site, then
there is nothing saying you can't have a quick loading and great looking
website as well.

  posted by Smile Community @ 6:50 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Tips That Will Have Your Visitors Begging For More!


The truth is how you present your website will determine how customers view
you and your product. This can directly translate into how effective your
website actually is and whether or not you get alot of sales or just a few.
Think of it this way. Whenever you go into a store you usually always go in
from the front entrance, not the side or the back, but the front. Just like
when people visit your website, they probably always come in from the home
page and go around your site. Sometimes they may come in from another link
to one of your subpage but trust me they will jump on your front page to
check it out and rightly so.

The front page is where all of the best information should be. Now this is
not to say that your subpages as useless and that there shouldn't be
valuable information on them. I am just saying that the main page should
contain timbits of all the valuable information located throughout your
site. Usually your front page is the main attraction and includes features
and elements that your subpages won't have. It is almost like a "wow page"
full of rich content.

Here are some tips on how to impress your visitors as soon as they get to
your site:

Tip Number 1: Offer something to the visitor as soon as they get to your
-This is important to really grab a visitors attention. Some things you may
want to put at the top or near the top of your site are free offers like
"free ebook" or "free domain" ect...

Tip Number 2: Give them content that is updated daily:
-Make sure you have content on your front page that is updated daily. This
will not only give them something to look forward to every day but it will
show that your site is updated often and gives them a reason to keep coming

Tip Number 3: Showcase new and featured product:
-Showcasing products on the front page will immediately get visitors
interested on what you are offering. It will help show them what your site
is about as well as it will make them want to browse more of your e-store.

Tip Number 4: Add highlights from other parts of your website:
Add little bits of info from your subpages to give them a view of what your
site contains. For example if your site has an article section post a few
new articles each day.

Tip Number 5: Offer sales and discounts on your front page:
Offering discounts and coupons will definitely get people interested in what
you are selling. Saving money and getting a good deal is always a good
reason to look around and purchase something off of your site. Make sure the
sales can be seen clearly and do have an expiration date that you stick to.

Tip Number 6: Add content that is only specific for your front page:
-Another great thing to do is offer content that can only be found on your
front page. This will give your visitors even more content to choose from
without having to view it on every page. Some things you may just have on
the front page are tips, news headlines or article samples.

Tip Number 7: Don't post full stories or articles on the front page but
timbits of them so they click through your site:
-Whenever you are posting articles or stories on the front page make sure to
post only a sample of the article. Include a "click here for more" link so
that they can view the whole article. This will interest them more will have
them going to new parts of your website. It will also help keep your front
page from being cluttered.

  posted by Smile Community @ 6:16 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

.htaccess Tutorial


If you don't know how to make an .htaccess file, just open up your text
editor and insert these codes, then save it as .htaccess. I am not
responsible if these scripts don't work on your server and you get some sort
of error. If that happens, just make another .htaccess file that is
completely blank. These are all the scripts I use in my .htaccess files.

This script is used if you don't want people to be able to browse through a
certain directory.

IndexIgnore *
This script is used so that no one can view your .htaccess script (very

<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
deny from all

This is a script that will allow you to change the location of the index

Redirect /olddirectory/oldfile.html

This is a script that will redirect IP's that you don't want viewing your
site. (I set up an account on geocities for this script so that people would
know they had been blocked and why.)

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} 00\.00\.00\.
RewriteRule .* http://www.youralternativedirectory/yourwarningpage.htm [R]

*Remember to change the IP address (00\.00\.00\.) to whatever IP you are
blocking, but keep it in the same format! Also, change the URL to the
directory (not a directory on your site) that you can link to to warn them
that they have been blocked.
To block referrals from a specific domain.

SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^" BadReferrer
order deny,allow
deny from env=BadReferrer

*Remember to change the URL to the URL you wish to block.
This script will not allow people to direct link your files. (You can change
these files to whatever you wish, but be sure to separate your images into
different directories before you do this if you are planning on direct
linking any of them; a good example is if you have a webcam, you'll still
want people to direct those images, but not images that are in other
directories. If you put this in the main part of your site, it will block
all access to those files, so be sure to put it in sub-directories.) This
script will direct whoever is trying to direct-link your images to another
image that is embarrassing.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(jpg|gif|js|css)$ [R,L]

You can use this if you don't want to let people direct link your images,
but you don't want to insert an embarrassing image.

RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}
!^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC] RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg)$ - [F]

An example of all these together in an .htaccess file would be:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(jpg|gif|js|css)$ [R,L]

SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^" BadReferrer
order deny,allow
deny from env=BadReferrer

IndexIgnore *

Just remember to double-space between the scripts and everything should work
fine. If some of these scripts just don't work for you, go to Google.Com and
look up .htaccess scripts because there are many ways to do one thing in
.htaccess and not all servers accept the same scripts.

  posted by Smile Community @ 6:11 PM 0 comments

Monday, March 06, 2006

15 Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Blog


There are many factors that make blogs much better than normal WebPages
including the speed at which blogs are indexed, ability to submit to blog
directories & normal directories, pings and track backs. All these little
things can help drive more traffic to blogs. Here are 15 popular techniques
you can use:

1.) Create at least four keyword posts per day. Most of the top blogs such
as Boing Boing, Daily Kos, and Instapundit (with literally tens of thousands
of visitors per day) publish an average of 30 small 100-150 word posts per
day according to "Secrets of the A-list Bloggers: Lots of Short Posts" by

2.) Submit to My Yahoo! When you submit your own RSS to My Yahoo it is
indexed by Yahoo.

3.) Submit to Google's Reader. When you submit your own blog RSS to Google's
Reader the Google Blog Search will index your site.

4.) Add a relevant link directory to your blog and trade links like a demon
possessed! Although it may take more time than simply submitting to a search
engine one time, this method is perhaps the best way to drive traffic to
your site. Use software such as Zeus to speed up the link trading process.

5.) Use ping sites like ping-o-matic. Ping your site every time you add a
new post.

6.) Submit your blog to traditional search engines such as AltaVista, and

7.) Submit your blog to traditional directories such as DMOZ. Directories
(particularly DMOZ) increase relevance with Google. DMOZ is very picky, but
what do you have to lose by trying?

8.) Submit to as many RSS Directories and Search Engines as possible. This
is a simple but repetitive process that can be done with software such as

9.) Comment on other blogs. Do not just leave short, lazy comments like "I
agree." Leave well thought out replies that will force readers to wonder
"who wrote this?"

10.) Use track backs. If there is a blog that you refer to or quote and it
is highly relevant to your subject, leave a track back. It increases your
link popularity and may even score a few interested readers from the linked

11.) Go offline. Use newspaper ads, public bulletin boards, business cards,
even stickers to let as many people as possible know your blog exists.

12.) Ad a link to your blog in your e-mail signature block.

13.) Use Groups (Usenet). Find a relevant group on Google groups, Yahoo
groups, MSN groups or any of the thousands of other FREE group services and
find like minded people and talk with them. Make sure your use your blog URL
like it is your name.

14.) Use Forums. Forums are one of the best places to go for advice. Go to
forums and find problems to solve. Make sure you leave your blog name, but
be tactful about it; some forums get annoyed with those who selfishly drop a
few links to their own site and leave.

15.) Tag your website. Tagging is a new idea that has erupted across the
web. Sites like, Technorati and many others have a social
feature that allows you to place your article under keywords or "tags" that
everyone interested in that tag can see.

Although these are some of the most popular ways to drive traffic to your
blog, do not limit your self to tips and lists. Use your imagination and you
will come up with thousands of ways to drive traffic to your blog!

  posted by Smile Community @ 10:17 PM 0 comments

Trick for improve search engine page relevancy.


You need to do enough exercise to keep your site properly indexed with
search engine.i am providing some tricks that can help you in improving page
relevancy. as perhaps you know that only Google page rank is not important
for search engine ranking-Page relevancy also important.if you can do some
exercise than you can improve your traffic.

[1]. Your Web pages with content should be interested in reading. As content
is king for search engines content in your site should be both unique and
interesting.this can improve your impression.

[2]. Content should be highly focused with keyword phrases. rather than
phrases that are too general and competitive Specially when there is more

[3]. Optimize your Web pages for at least three to five keywords at a time
You should optimize your page for minimum three keywords-for three keywords
your page should be highly relevant.for that you need to choose better
keywords,choosing keywords is not a game of is one science.Write
your site's content using the keywords for which users search, and you'll
literally be speaking the same language as your visitors. Useful and

[4]. Use regionally specific keywords, when applicable. if your target is
regional than try to choose keywords that are regional. Example:-you can
choose 'loans in new york' rather than just 'loan in USA' that's why you
will get highly targeted visitors and improve your visitor to sales ratio

[5]. Use the most commonly used variations of your keywords, with keyword
research Don't choose keywords that are highly competitive(specially when
your page rank is low.) You can choose their synonyms per i said you
need to do some research work for that.also consider some variation that can
occur due to typing mistake etc.

[6]. Each optimized page should contain a unique title. It will some time
meaningless if you will choose same title pages more than one.title tags are
very important and perhaps you know that searcg engine give lots of weight
to title if title of your page will different. than you can get more traffic
for more keywords.this is important.

[7].Use multiple keywords in your title tags when appropriate. Choose better
title for every page using synonyms that you will probably also get
traffic for that keywords too.but don't go overboard.

[8].Most important keywords appearing above the fold and throughout each
optimized page. First few lines are very important for search engine page write that with special care and using your all main
keywords.also include your keywords in other part of page too.

[9]. Using keywords in hypertext links, whenever possible. if you will use
keywords in hypertext links than your page which you link will improve its
page relevancy automatically

[10]. Each optimized page contain a unique meta-tag description. Some search
engines still give more weight to meta tags so like title meta tag should be
different for each page if possible.

[11]. Each optimized page contain a unique meta-tag keyword list. Like meta
tags you should also change meta tags wherever possible.and that keywords
should also include in page body.

[12]. Place common misspellings of your keywords within your meta-tag
keywords. Many people using this system to get traffic you can use
misspellings in youe meta details and can drive traffic. due to typing
mistakes of searchers

[13].your graphic images should contain descriptive keywords within the
alternative text attribute, when appropriate. Google also decide relevancy
through name of icons,images try to include your keywords in it.

[14]. If you are submitting pages to non-U.S. search engines. write your
pages in the appropriate language if you will not do may possible that
in international search engines your rank will down.

  posted by Smile Community @ 10:17 PM 0 comments

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Double Your Adsense Revenue


I've been working with Google's Adsense program for a while now. If you're
not already in the program, why not take a look at it now at I really like Adsense. It makes me money and
it's easy to work with. Just some simple copy & paste into your webpage and
you're done. Right?

Wrong! You can do it that way if you want. Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky
and get a lot of clicks. But if you're really serious about making a lot of
money with the program, you're going to have to tweak it a little.

I've invested quite a bit of time experimenting with the program. When I
first signed up, I got some clicks and made a tiny bit of money. That wasn't
good enough. I knew there must be a way to get more of my visitors to click
on the ads.

Google has a strict policy about not pointing to the ads in any way or
asking people to click on them, so there were two things I couldn't do. What
else was there?

Then I remembered reading an article once that discussed the psychological
impact of colors on the human mind. I started researching everything I could
find on the subject.

After a lot of reading, many tests and periods of watching my clicks go up
and down, I found the one color combination that seemed to work the best.

Testing previously done at supermarkets had revealed that the same product
could pull more sales from just changing the colors of the label. What were
these colors? Red and yellow! The combination of these two colors has an
immediate impact on the person who sees them. They make your eyes stop and
focus. They pull your eyes right to that part of the page. They grab your
attention! I'm not sure exactly why the combination of red and yellow does
this, but it does. On one of my sites, I changed my Adsense ads to a bright
red border and a yellow background with black text and URL.

My click through rate more than doubled with just that one simple change.
That's what worked on my site. Your site's color scheme may work better with
a slightly different color combination. Try lots of different color
variations. Make a change in the morning and let it ride for the whole day.
The next morning, try a different set of colors. Change the border,
background, text. Change everything you can. Most importantly, keep detailed
records of the color scheme you used, click ratio and revenue generated.

After you've done all the experimenting you want to, go back to the most
profitable one and let it run for a week or so and see how it does. I'm
always trying different colors even after my run of good clicks with red and
yellow. There are a lot of color combinations to choose from. You never know
when you'll find just the right one.

  posted by Smile Community @ 8:20 PM 0 comments

A Smart Trick for Attracting Higher Paying AdSense Ads


There are no guarantees in life, so I don't guarantee that following these
tips will bring you more money every time. However, I do guarantee that they
will greatly increase your chances of pulling more of the top-paying AdSense
ads to your site than if you don't follow these suggestions.

Enough with the disclaimers, let's get down to the business of making money.
Google lets advertisers bid anywhere from a minimum of .05 per click right
up to a whopping $100. It should be pretty obvious that you're not going to
get rich running .05 cent ads on your site, but getting a few $100 ads, or
even some $10, $20, or $30 ads can't be a bad thing, right?

Now the problem is, Google is pretty closed-mouthed about who is paying what
for their ads, and there is no real way to determine which words pay the
most per AdSense click.

But ah, far away in a parallel universe we find another Pay-Per-Click
provider called Overture. It seems that Overture is less sensitive about
releasing their top-priced words and anyone who cares to find out what web
sites are paying for words and phrases can do so by simply using Overtures
tattle-tale special pricing
tool. And it couldn't be easier to use. You simply type in a key word or
phrase and the tool returns a list of advertisers using that word and how
much they are paying. It even shows you the actual ad.

Oh what a treasure trove of wealth-grabbing results this can be if you know
what can be done with that priceless information.

Consider this possibility

Any key word or phrase that's worth big bucks on Overture is probably worth
big bucks on Google as well, maybe even more, right? So try this experiment:

Enter the phrase "SEO Services" without the quotes in the Overture
tool. When I entered that phrase on the day I wrote this article, I was
found a company called SEO Inc. that was willing to pay $8.01 per click,
followed by SEO Advantage at $8.00, and Online Web Consultants at $6.50.
Other bidders appeared below them in the $3.00 range straight on down to
some who wouldn't pay more than a dime per click.

Now, if a company is willing to pay that much money for a click on Overture,
it is probably willing to pay that or more on Google. Even if that
particular company isn't advertising on Google, you can be pretty sure that
the same key phrase is drawing near the same bid price from other companies
who do advertise on Google. So what that means is there is no way that you
can possibly afford NOT to have some web pages posted somewhere that are
targeted to those sweet-paying words.

All you have to do is use Overture's pricing tool to find the highest-paying
key words that are related to your site and then optimize those words to
start pulling similar ads. If all goes to plan, you can perhaps double,
triple, or even quadruple your AdSense revenue without needing any increase
in traffic or click-through rate

  posted by Smile Community @ 8:20 PM 0 comments

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Maximize Revenue with AdSense


The five keys to maximize revenue with AdSense are:
  1. Earn more per click (while maintaining relevancy)

  2. Have more pages that display ads

  3. Get your visitors to view more pages that display ads

  4. Improve your 'click through' rate

  5. Get more qualified traffic to your site

Here are 10 easy tips to help you achieve these keys
and maximize revenue with AdSense:

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #1:
Get started now!

It is extremely easy to generating revenue with Google AdSense. After you're accepted to the program, just add a few lines of html code to your site (Google shows you how once you're accepted) -- and voila!

Within a few minutes, your site will begin displaying ads, and so you can start making money. Each day you wait means revenue lost. So, do it now.

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #2:
Create more content pages for your site -- and display ads on these pages.

All else being equal, the more pages you have displaying ads, the more money you'll earn.

If you already have a website, display ads on more pages.

And create more great content pages. We recommend that you focus on creating pages (and sites) on topics you have a passion for. You'll find more on creating AdSense content pages in Tip #8.

It's especially useful if these content pages are very clearly focused. Then, Google will be able to serve highly relevant ads to your visitors. This means your visitors will be more interested in the ads, which results in higher click through rates -- and more money for you!

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #3:
Whenever possible, use higher paying keywords.

Obviously, you'll earn more if the average ad that Google displays pays more per click.

The question is: how do you get Google to display higher paying keywords?

Let's first talk about what you shouldn't do: Don't create pages on unrelated keywords just because they pay more. In other words, don't create a page on 'valium' on your roof repair site just because 'valium' pays more than 'roof shingles.'

You may be wondering how you know what keywords pay best. If you're a Google AdWords advertiser, you can log into your AdWords account and experiment.

If you're not an AdWords advertiser, one way to find this out is to use a free tool at the pay-per-click search engine, Yahoo Search Marketing (formerly Overture).

This tool allows you to see what advertisers are paying on Yahoo Search Marketing for each keyword. Granted, there are certainly differences between keyword pricing at Yahoo Search Marketing and Google. Yet, this tool can give you a general idea of which keywords will pay more than others.

(Also, remember that you will be sharing revenue with Google, so you will earn a portion of the amount the advertiser pays for each click.)

Visit our page on Internet marketing recommended resources to learn how to use this Yahoo Search Marketing tool, as well as finding other useful keyword tools.

In our example above, when you use this Yahoo Search Marketing tool, you'll see that if you type in 'roof shingles,' the maximum price is about $0.13. (Note: this may change by the time you view this page since it is a dynamic system.) 'Valium,' on the other hand, right now has a maximum price of $4.12. Quite a difference!

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #4:
Create new pages with higher paying keywords (while maintaining relevancy).

Sometimes, selecting different keywords on the same topic can create a substantial difference in how much you earn.

For example, let's say you have a gardening site and you want to create some new pages.

By carefully selecting which topics to focus on first, you can dramatically increase your income.

For example, using the Yahoo Search Marketing tool mentioned above, you discover that 'water gardening' currently has a maximum price of $0.50, while 'gardening zone' is only $0.05. That means you can earn 10 times more by creating a page on 'water gardening' than 'gardening zones'!

You can use this information to decide which relevant keywords to focus on as you create new pages for your site.

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #5:
Create a new site on high paying keywords.

If you want to create a brand new site to take advantage of Google AdSense, you may want to select a topic with high paying keywords.

Then, of course, provide great information on that topic.

But how do you know what the highest paying keywords are?

One tool you can use comes from the pay-per-click search engine, 7Search. 7Search has a page on the 100 highest paying keywords. Unfortunately, it often 'times out' and gives you an error when you try to access the page. So you may need to be patient and try several times to get this list.

An even better suggestion, though, for building a new site is to use Ken Evoy's Site Build It tools. We have now SBI for two successful sites -- it's an excellent tool.

You can find more useful keyword tools on our Internet marketing recommended resources page.

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #6:
Get more qualified traffic to your site.

It makes sense that if you get more qualified visitors to your site, more people will naturally click on the displayed ads, and you'll earn more.

We offer some of the best available resources on how to get more qualified traffic to your site on our Internet marketing recommended resources page

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #7:
Consider creating some pages for high search engine traffic, others to sell products, and still others for Google AdSense.

Recognize that different pages on your site can have different purposes. For example, some pages may be designed to sell specific products. Others may be designed to rank high in the search engines (but don't ever try to trick the search engines). Still others can be designed for Google AdSense.

Once you know which pages you're creating for AdSense, select an appropriate keyword (or key phrase).

Use the keyword as the file name and don't put dashes or any separators between the words . In the example above, you would use the file name 'watergardening.html' for your water gardening page.

Ideally, select keywords that are the highest paying keyword on the topic. By tweaking the file name, you may be able to improve your AdSense results dramatically.

The next tip will explain how to create a great AdSense page.

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #8:
Create high quality information pages.

An AdSense page should have great content about a very specific topic. Be very clear about what the topic is, and carefully choose the keyword (or key phrase) describing the topic.

Never try to 'trick' AdSense. Don't create a page on one topic and give it a file name about a different topic.

Above all, make sure the page you create offers great value to people interested in the topic. When you provide excellent information on a specific topic, your visitors will benefit and will be more likely to click through to relevant ads.

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #9:
Choose the best format.

As Google recommends, choose the best performing formats to display your ads. Don't use the Banner format, because people have become "banner blind" to a horizontal format.

Google has created an excellent page of optimization tips -- check it out.

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #10:
Display ads prominently.

We recommend that you follow the optimization tapes from Google described above. Make sure there is enough "breathing room" -- i.e. white space around the ads -- so that they will easily attract your visitors.

Maximize Revenue with AdSense -- Tip #11:
Don't cheat.

Do not click on the ads displayed on your own site to increase your revenue. Google (rightfully) frowns on this.

Plus, Google has some of the smartest engineers around, and they are very good at detecting this kind of fraud.

If you cheat, you'll likely get kicked out of the AdSense program -- and then you won't earn anything.

  posted by Smile Community @ 6:48 PM 0 comments



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